


ということで、直営webショプ 銀雅堂では、雫影ページをお正月(?)バージョンに変更してみました。


Today’s item: 雫影


It’s getting colder and colder in Takaoka. As much of the city is covered by winter cool air, I feel winter is approaching.

In Japan New Year’s Day is the special day. People prepare for special cuisine and decoration to celebrate the day. Some foods and flowers are often used for the day, believed in bring good luck. For example, pine trees, matsu, are associated with the New Year’s day. Some Japanese display a bundle of pine twigs and bamboo trunks, kado matsu, on their doors to receive a blessing from the gods.

For the new year’s day, we also updated the page of shizuka vase collection in our online shop, ginga-do. How about decorating your room with lucky flowers to welcome new year?

Today’s item: shizuka vase collection
