月別アーカイブ: 2013年10月

クリスマスのコリネットは、生活の木 様とのコラボです!



As a typhoon is approaching, it is so freezing in Toyama. Autumn seems to be skipped and winter is already coming. Even though it is in October, people already talk about holiday season. To catch up with people, we are preparing for our products for this holiday season.

What we offer this season is collinette with essential oil.  We collaborate with “Tree of Life” which is famous for offering essential aromatherapy and carrier oils in Japan.

Among many popular oils by Tree of Life, we chose a bottle of lavender massage oil. As you might know, lavender is one of the most widely used in aromatherapy for its calming, soothing effects. It has good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties.

Pamper yourself with applying rich lavender oil over your body and massaging with collinette. That will let your body and mind relax.

Metting many requests, we enclose a manual showing how to massage with collinette.

“Collinette with essential oil” will be the perfect present for you and yours.




There are lots of crafts activities for ‘Takaoka Craft Ichiba-machi’ this weekend in Takaoka.
In a gallery named ‘HAN BUN KO’, you can buy lovely products made in Takaoka including our naft products.
The gallery is in a fantastic refurbished old house with contrasting interior white and black, and naft are displayed in a storehouse. Modern naft products unpredictably fit with the old atmosphere.
Place: Factory HAN BUN KO (はんぶんこ)
Address: 〒933-0914 高岡市小馬出町63





‘Takaoka Craft Ichiba-machi’ has started!

One of the biggest events in Takaoka.

if you enjoy the craft exhibition, lots of craft and stalls and activities, and plenty of local food, your weekend is sorted. http://www.ichibamachi.jp/program/index.php